It used to be difficult to work your way into a position where acquiring a residual income was possible. You either had to start at the bottom of a ladder, or be lucky enough to create work that was reused a number of times. But times have changed. Online affiliate programs often provide a residual income option instead of a flat referral fee, and anyone can join.
Programs that pay affiliates not just for the first sale referred by affiliate, but also for all additional sales made at the merchant's site over the life of the customer are said to provide residual income. Our site,, will show you the best residual income generator that exists on the Internet today. It's no big secret, it's just about finding the right industry and the right affiliate program.
If your goal is large residual checks for life, one option stands above the rest: online casino affiliate programs. There are other potentially profitable areas in which you may work as an affiliate, but speaking strictly in terms of true residual earnings, casinos provide the best environment. Lets look briefly at other accessible affiliate industries, what percentages of sales they pay, and their potential for strong residual earnings:
As you can read on our best affiliate programs page, average percentages for affiliate accessible areas are:
Casinos clearly stand out from a percentage perspective, but how about residual income? Good residual potential relies on the nature of the product in question.
Books are bought by people who will buy books again, but not necessarily from one particular destination, they'll simply go wherever the best deal is, online or off. The great majority of people searching for books online are looking to find a review or learn a little more about it, they are not impulse buyers and are less likely to buy online.
Electronics are in much the same boat. People don't come back to the same place to buy all of their electronics, and most prefer to handle and see it at a brick and mortar store. Again people online look for reviews and information, so that they can walk to the store to spend their money. You can't make a cent that way.
Flowers are a little better than books or electronics. If someone finds a good flower delivery service they might stick with it. The problem is they will probably only send flowers once or twice a year, and might only spend thirty or forty dollars to do so. The income cap is quite limited since you only get 10-15 percent of that.
Jewelry is much like flowers, you might find a loyal customer, but they wont spend often. It's better in that they might spend a few hundred dollars at a time, but the people with deep pockets are still going to the real jewelry store. You can't take a risk ordering online when you're spending thousands. Those are the people you want to earn a cut from, but they are difficult to get in the jewelry market.
Music and office supplies are exactly the same as books and electronics, not worth your time.
Nutritional supplements are perhaps the best option besides casino marketing. People don't care if they are ordering off of the Internet so long as they get the product they wanted and find a reasonable price. Best of all they will come back, probably ordering again every month. This means residual income, and good steady income at that. The only downside is that the amount of money spent doesn't compare with casinos, and the percentages are also not as generous.
Are you getting a sense of why casino revenue holds so much potential? The residual income potential is basically not limited by any one variable. If you are lucky enough to send a big spender through your website, that one player could send thousands your way every month. Over time you will inevitably have a group of players each sending a small amount, put together all of the small profits and you have a substantial monthly income.
To learn about the best option for casino affiliate programs, and why this site exists to teach you all of this, please read the rest of this site. There is serious potential in affiliate marketing, but it takes some dedication, a little time, and a little work. Your best bet is to absorb all of the material on this website, and then get to work.
Beware 'net' payout programs that deduct all sorts of expenses from the Gross profit before you get your cut. Demand to see the deductions itemized.